Friday, September 9, 2016

Oh the Places You'll Go...On the Internet

  This is a very interesting topic. Where am I spending most of my online time? It's tricky because, unless I'm working on a blog post or sending a lengthy email, I tend to consume my media on my phone via apps. I try to be very intentional in when I pull out my computer (and should probably do the same with my phone). I really don't want my kids to grow up with the memory of me always on some sort of electronic device instead of interacting with them. I don't want to give up quality time with my husband to catch up with what's going on in others' lives. I'm still working on navigating social media and its role in my life. But I digress. Below are five bookmarks I refer to quite often these days (in addition to the standard email, blog and Facebook).

1) PicMonkey  

  Earlier this year I realized that if I want to become more serious with my blogging (and avoid being sued) then it would be beneficial to create my own graphics rather than do a Google search like I had previously done. I definitely don't want to pass others' work off as my own nor would I want someone to do that to me. A friend who has more blogging experience than I do shared this site with me and I have found it easy to use and navigate.

2) Instagram
My first Instagram photo, 2013
  I know this is not a new site. I opened an account three years ago just to post a cute picture of my kids from my phone. I have since occasionally post something, often as part of a book launch team. Two weeks ago I decided to try the 365 Challenge, where you post a picture of your life each day for an entire year. I thought it would be fun to look back at the end of it and see what my year looked like. It appears that most of my pictures may end up being of my son and my cat as they are who I spend the most time with during the week as a SAHM. Perhaps I'll work on getting myself into the picture more. I have a friend who knows a lot more about Instagram and she has been helping me to grow in knowledge of its workings.

  I also like that, since it's pictures with comments, it is a very encouraging, positive, happy environment. No one is ranting about the state of the world or politics. Everyone is being honest and kind (at least, that's my experience so far). I intended to learn how to use Twitter this year but I like Instagram so much better that I think I'll just stick with it and continue to be Twitter clueless.

3) Duolingo

  I really like knowing Spanish but my proficiency has decreased over the years over lack of use. I would like to start speaking it again to improve my conversational skills and recently set it up as a new goal for myself. My first step toward gaining the courage to begin speaking with my neighbor (who is originally from Costa Rica) is increasing my familiarity with the vocabulary. Someone talked about using Duolingo to prepare for a vacation to Mexico. I had downloaded the app a long time ago but never used it. I have now been working on it for a month. It's set up like a game or challenge so it doesn't seem like work but I know I'm learning.

4) Meet the Peppers

  This is a website created by a married couple who promote the idea of Great Love instead of Perfect Love. They started a podcast about a year and a half ago as a project intended to give them more quality time together. They titled it Marriage is Funny (because it is) and each episode talk about a couple of topics relevant to their lives and most likely to every couple. I heard about it on a FB group thread and have loved it from the beginning. I can relate to almost everything they talk about and think we could be good friends if we ever met in real life. I didn't start listening to it until this spring when they were a whole season in so I'm still trying to finish season two before season three starts (this week I think, so I will probably still be a few episodes behind). I highly recommend checking it out. I have gained a lot of wisdom and perspective from them sharing their lives with their listeners.

5) Go Comics

  In our house we receive a physical copy of the Sunday paper and then a digital subscription the rest of the week. I don't tend to check it out online so I was seriously out of the loop on some of my favorite comic strips. My husband told me about this site so I have started using it to keep up with the storylines of some of my favorites. I like that you can create a list of specific comics so that you don't have to scroll through all of them each day. And you can go back in the archives to catch up if you choose to start a new strip.

  Those are five of my frequently-visited sites. Do you have any go-to sites that you think I might enjoy checking out? Leave them in the comments!


  1. Megan! Mission accomplished! You introduced me to a few things I need in my life. That podcast sounds like a fun thing to listen to together. And the language app! My daughter plans to take a mission trip to a Spanish-speaking country next year. That will be a perfect way for her to learn the language before she goes. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Kelly, I'm glad you found some links relevant for you and your family. I am enjoying the weekly link ups!
