We are less than two weeks away from my little man turning one. As we are currently planning on him remaining our youngest I thought it would be fun to recap the good and bad of being pregnant and having a newborn baby.
Me and my "babies". |
Things I Will Miss About Being Pregnant and Having a Baby
*Feeling my baby kick from the inside (until the last month when he/she kicked my bladder, ribs, etc and it seemed like they were training to be MMA fighters).
*Seeing my baby kick on the outside (a little freaky but overall pretty amazing; also, see caveat above).
*Preferential treatment (being offered chairs everywhere, first in line for food, a pass on lifting things and emptying the litter box).
*Deciding on a fun way to announce the pregnancy to my husband, family, and friends.
*Seeing the baby for the first time (such an amazing moment!).
*Showing off my baby and hearing how adorable he/she is.
*The downy baby hair (LB still has soft hair but I know my days are limited).
*Seeing the baby smile/laugh/clap/roll over for the first time (just about all of the milestones).
*The toothless grin.
*Baby babble (they sound so cute when they're making no sense and aren't yet professional whiners).
*The tiny clothes.
*Watching my baby sleep in my arms.
*Witnessing my body growing an actual person and then being its sole/main source of nourishment.
Things I Will NOT Miss About Being Pregnant and Having a Baby
*First trimester nausea (I only vomited once in two pregnancies and I imagine that is much worse but feeling like I had to vomit all day was still pretty bad).
*The last five weeks of pregnancy (unable to get comfortable to sleep, heartburn, millions of bathroom breaks, sciatica; generally it's the last month but my special boy thought I needed an extra week since I missed out on the full experience with BB).
*The inappropriate comments and intrusive questions ("You know how that happens, right?" "Was it planned?").
*Dietary restrictions.
*Hearing horror birth stories.
*Not being able to make plans in the four(ish) weeks surrounding the due date.
*The glucose test.
*The uncertainty of when the baby would arrive and how my body would handle labor and delivery (um, yeah, still don't know what labor's like).
*C-section recovery.
*Not sleeping through the night for the first two, four, six, eight, twelve months...
*The breast pump (no additional information needed).
*The first 40 days of breastfeeding (ouchie!).
*The amount of time spent breastfeeding each day (thankfully this decreases over time).
*Teaching babies how to fall asleep on their own.
*Having to plan my day/activities around feedings (there's still nap times to plan for but they are a bit more flexible and there are fewer of them).
*My house crammed with large contraptions for the baby's stimulation (now we will just have lots of tiny toys to injure feet).
*Changing diapers (oh wait, I still have another year or two...)
Did I miss any of the joys and not-so-fun parts of pregnancy and babies?